Greentech Knowledge Solutions (GKSPL) is based in New Delhi, India and has long-standing experience in building energy efficiency and building sector MSMEa. Over the last decade, GKSPL has managed and executed Indo-Swiss BEEP, a bilateral programme for building energy efficiency. Under this programme the first energy conservation building code for residential buildings in India was developed and launched in 2018, which also involved carrying out around 40,000 simulations. It has experience of providing technical support in the design of more than 40 EE building projects. It has been involved in planning and conducting performance monitoring of buildings. GKSPL has imparted training to more than 5000 building MSMEs during the last decade. GKSPL is also acknowledged as one of the leading groups in the developing world in the field of resource-efficient brick production and has long experience of working in Nepal. The team consists of architects, building simulation experts, building policy and building material experts.