
Daniel Neyer

Daniel Neyer


Dr. Daniel Neyer is a senior researcher at the Unit of Energy Efficient Building at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. In this role, he is the Project Leader of the SWITCH-Asia-funded project BEEN – Building Energy Efficiency in Nepal.

Further, he is the Managing Director at Neyer Brainworks a certified consulting engineering office for renewable energy, building services, and energy-efficient buildings. In 2021 he co-founded and serves as the Managing Director of the social enterprise – TWIGA Sun Fruits, which is providing turnkey solar heating/cooling off-grid solutions for the agri-food sector. Currently, he is building up an organic pineapple drying manufactory in Uganda.

He is a mechanical & renewable energy engineer holding a Ph.D. in technical sciences and has gathered more than 15 years of R&D and professional experience in SCP-relevant topics. He focuses on assessing, benchmarking, and developing innovative solar heating and cooling systems combined with energy-efficient buildings and processes.