What is BEEN
BEEN is a four-year project funded by the European Union under the SWITCH-Asia Programme. The total budget of the project is EUR 2.715 Million. BEEN aims to contribute to the development of low-carbon and resource-efficient construction in Nepal’s by facilitating the design, construction, and renovation of climate-friendly buildings.
The project is led by the University of Innsbruck (UIBK), Austria in partnership with MinErgy Pvt Ltd Nepal (MinErgy), Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt Ltd., India (GKSPL), and Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE), Spain. The project will be implemented in 60 selected municipalities across four bio-climatic zones i. Warm temperate ii. Temperate iii. Cool temperate and iv. Cold climate from Bagmati, Lumbini, and Gandaki provinces of Nepal.
- To promote Energy Efficiency (EE) design and construction practices in the building sector, including the integration of Renewable Energy (RE) for new construction and retrofitting.
- To enable policy, regulatory and standards framework for the building sector and availability of financial products for introducing and applying EE in the building sector in Nepal.
- BEEN seeks to collaborate with different MSMEs associations and Building – Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Building-MSMEs) to build the capacities through different trainings, guidelines, tools and standards.
- BEEN intends to increase awareness of Building-MSMEs and end users and also seeks to create market system for the promotion of RE & EE building design and construction.
- Through collaboration with different tiers of government, BEEN will support in developing relevant policy, regulatory standard and frameworks for energy efficient building.
- In association with financial institutions, BEEN will develop financial instruments/packages to promote EE and RE integrated building design and construction.